All The Things You Never Knew About Redheads

Published on January 1, 2023

Less Hair

Interestingly enough, redheads are more likely to have less hair than the rest of the population, and in particular, they seem to have less hair on the top of their heads specifically. Redheads will have about 90,000 hairs on their heads, while blondes will have an average of 110,000 and brunettes have 140,000 on average.

Less Hair

Less Hair

No Greying Out

While redheads might have fewer hairs on their head, the advantage they have on everyone is that their natural hair pigment lasts longer than other colors of hair do. Red hair fades more slowly and becomes more of a faded copper, and then rosy blonde, and only after that it turns silver. You win some, you lose some!

No Greying Out

No Greying Out