All The Things You Never Knew About Redheads

Published on January 1, 2023

TV Commercials

While redheads are very rare, if you were only going by TV commercials, you might think that they’re more common than they actually are. A report done by Upstream Analysis in 2014 found that at least 30% of commercials aired on TV during prime time have at least one redhead featured in them. CBS even holds a record for including a redhead in a commercial every 106 seconds. That’s a lot of red hair!

TV Commercials

TV Commercials

Less Than 2%

So just how rare are redheads? Well, studies have shown that just 1-2% of the population are born with natural red hair, which is a shockingly small amount of the world’s population. Redheads are more commonly found in Western Europe, with Scotland having the highest number of redheads, with 13% of its population having red hair. About 10% of Ireland’s population is naturally red haired, and in the United States that number stands at 2%.

Less Than 2%

Less Than 2%