Man Spots Something Horrifying With His Drone

Published on November 19, 2019

More People

At this point, Evan’s drone was no longer the only one floating above this amazing occurrence. As more people heard about the hole, they began to take their own drones out on the water to get a better look. It was like a competition of who could get the best imagine of the phenomenon. Local news stations began taking on the story, using people’s drone footage to show off the sheer size of the hole.


Lots of Questions

Steer Clear

One of the things that authorities wanted people to be aware of, was that the hole would only be dangerous to people if they got too close. The strength of the hole was obvious, and anyone who was swimming or boating in the area could potentially be sucked into the hole. Authorities knew that people were curious, but they warned people to keep themselves, their boats, and even their drones clear of the area if they didn’t want an accident.


Stay Away