Man Spots Something Horrifying With His Drone

Published on November 19, 2019

More Witnesses

As mentioned, there were some cars driving by on the local highway near the water. These drivers could also see the giant hole in the water, and talk began to spread around town. More and more people were hearing about the strange hole, and it was safe to say that some people were freaking out about it. It wasn’t surprising; the hole was really large and very intimidating! Rumors started to flow, since no one was really sure what it was.


A Good Comparison

Kevin King  

One individual who heard about the phenomenon was a man named Kevin King. Kevin was a part of the county’s water facilities, so he obviously took a huge interest in this wild event that was unfolding. He headed straight to the area to see the hole for himself, and he was taken aback by the sheer size of it. Not only was there the huge hole to witness, but there were also 10-15 drones flying overhead!


Gaining Interest