The Typical Diet Consumed During Medieval Times

Published on August 21, 2021

Dessert Was Eaten Throughout The Meal

While we’re used to saving dessert for last, for those who were lucky enough to enjoy desserts in medieval times, this was not the case. Several dishes were served at one time, and dessert was often served in between in order to cleanse the palate between courses.

Dessert Was Eaten Throughout The Meal

Dessert Was Eaten Throughout The Meal

Richard III Ate Like The Rich

King Richard III, the last Plantagenet king of England, enjoyed the life of a royal up until he died in 1485 during the War of the Roses. Archeologists analyzed his remains in 2014 and found that his diet was consistent with the wealthy elite, and he likely ate lots of wildfowl and fresh water fish, and of course washed it all down with plenty of wine.

Richard III Ate Like The Rich

Richard III Ate Like The Rich