The Typical Diet Consumed During Medieval Times

Published on August 21, 2021

Beans Were A Game-Changer

Italian medievalist Umberto Eco explained that the “cultivation of legumes began to spread” during the 10th century, and it really changed everything. He said:  “Working people were able to eat more protein; as a result, they became more robust, lived longer, created more children and repopulated a continent.” That led to the doubling of the European population.

Beans Were A Gamechanger

Beans Were A Game-Changer

Baking Was Serious Business

Baking and consuming bread was critically important, so much so that baking guilds became very powerful. These were somewhat of a cross between a union and the mafia. Bakers who were part of a guild paid dues that served as a kind of insurance. Family recipes were fiercely guarded by the guilds in order to prevent stolen family recipes.

Baking Was Serious Business

Baking Was Serious Business