The Strongest Little Boy – All Grown Up Now

Published on November 17, 2019

Living in His Shadows

You’d never know that the Sandraks had another child, at least not when you saw how much time and attention they paid to Richard and his bodybuilding career. Richard, however, had a younger sister who stayed in the shadows of her brother. On occasion she would join him at events or gatherings, but for the most part, the younger Sandrak stayed in her brother’s shadows. Very little is known or shared about Richard’s sister, and if you were to look for photos, you would find a mere handful of the young Sandrak – beside or behind her brother.

Richard And His Sister

Richard And His Sister

Following a Dream

When the Sandraks left Ukraine for the US, they landed in Pennsylvania in hopes of fostering Richard’s skills but also living the American Dream. They didn’t last too long in Pennsylvania as Pavel uprooted his family and moved them to California. Pavel saw the move to California as one that would allow him to showcase his son’s amazing strength and physique. Pavel had also made a lot of connections in California, and he knew this could move his son a step closer to his 5-minutes of fame.

Following A Dream

Following A Dream