Fascinating Behind The Scenes Secrets About ‘Friends’ You Probably Never Knew

Published on April 11, 2019

Judy Loves Rachel

Christina Pickles, who played Judy Geller, has much praise for Jennifer Aniston. She shared: “I knew [she] would be a huge success from the moment I saw her in rehearsals. But I didn’t know that the show would be. I’ve done so many pilots I thought were good that didn’t work, and so many that I thought were bad that did work. I just knew I was witnessing a really special actor at work.”

Judy Loves Rachel

Judy Loves Rachel

Carol Was Really Pregnant

When Jane Sibbett, who played Carol, was offered the role, she was a bit concerned. She shared: “I got a phone call from my agent, saying they wanted to offer me one of the lead roles. I said to my agent: ‘That’s great, but you told them I was pregnant, right?’ My agent said: ‘God, no! We’re not going to tell them that.’ I insisted. Because I knew this show was going to go [and get picked up by the network], for sure.”

Carol Was Really Pregnant

Carol Was Really Pregnant