It Pays To Be Royal: How Much Each Member Of The Royal Family Is Worth

Published on July 18, 2023

James Severn

James Viscount Severn is the son of Prince Edward and Countess Sophie, who decided that he would not inherit the title of Prince, since they felt it would put too much pressure on him. They chose an earl title for him instead. He is set to inherit a net worth of a whopping $300 million.

James Severn

James Severn

Sarah Chatto

Lady Sarah Chatto is the daughter of Princess Margaret and Anthony Armstrong-Jones. Her net worth is about $18 million, which has allowed her to pursue her interest in art. She paints landscapes that have been on exhibit all around England. She married Daniel Chatto, an actor who she met while shooting the film Heat and Dust in India.

Sarah Chatto

Sarah Chatto