This Mother Noticed Something Strange About Her Foster Children That Would Change Their Lives Forever

Published on February 2, 2020

Sneaking Suspicions

For poor Hannah, her condition was the same as Grayson’s. Both had been abandoned, and both were suffering from mental and physical issues related to drug exposure. Over time the effects would disappear, but for now, they both need extra care. Katie had a sneaking suspicion that the two might be related, but she was not quick to make the assumption. After all, the two children looked almost nothing alike. Grayson is half African American with slightly dark skin and wavy hair. Hannah, however, is very pale and has straight, slightly reddish hair.

Hannah Looks Nothing Like Grayson

Hannah Looks Nothing Like Grayson

A Difficult Process

Katie believed that Hannah and Grayson might share the same birth mother, but her caseworker was not as quick to come to the same conclusion. The caseworker believed it was just a coincidence that both children had a birth mother with the same first name and a similar birthday. After all, there was nothing definitive linking the children other than a few similarities that could be entirely coincidental. Katie, however, was not satisfied and decided to dig deeper.

Hannah And Grayson

Hannah And Grayson