Man Spots Something Horrifying With His Drone

Published on November 19, 2019

One Photo

Evan’s drone was able to get one snapshot of the hole before he had to bring it back to land. This was helpful, but there still wasn’t enough information for Evan to feel content. He knew that he wanted to send the drone out again; there was no way he was risking swimming out to the hole himself! If he wanted to send out his drone again, he’d have to be smarter. Obviously the whole had a gravitational pull that was a danger to the drone.


A Single Photo

Gathering Knowledge

Before he would send out his drone again, Evan thought that he should do some digging beforehand. Perhaps someone had already seen this hole before, and he somehow had never heard about it? It seemed unlikely, since he had been around this lake for so long and had never heard a word about it. Regardless, Evan began to look into the phenomenon, wanting to know more about the chance of a hole emerging in a lake.


Gathering Information