Man Spots Something Horrifying With His Drone

Published on November 19, 2019


Evan was pretty sure that this hole was going against all of the laws of science. How had this hole formed, and where was all of the water going? Was there a giant hole in the earth’s crust that needed to be closed as soon as possible? Were all of the aquatic animals being sucked into an oblivion every second? Evan began to panic. What had he just discovered, and who should he tell?


A Scary Sight

Getting a Closer Look

Evan was in awe of this strange phenomenon. It was as though there was a plug at the bottom of the lake and someone had just pulled it! Without knowing much, Evan decided that he would need to get a closer look. He checked the coordinates of his drone’s previous path and had the drone make another trip to the hole. He needed to get some more details before he made any crazy assumptions. Evan was horrified and excited at the same time.


Drone Discovery