These Loggers Got Quite the Surprise From A Hollow Tree

Published on October 20, 2020

Imagine getting to work on a typical day, after which you end up discovering one of the most incredible things you could think of. Such a phenomenon would undoubtedly be enough to bring variety to a monotonous routine. You may even look forward to work, as you wonder what you’d discover next. Do you think such a thing could happen to a logger? What exciting thing could a logger find that would be so impactful? You are about to find out just how intriguing things can be. Some discoveries create memories that last a lifetime and this one of them.

Life of a Logger

This logger and his team typically get enough logs to get them to their quota on any day. However, a shocking sight while warming up the saws brought everything to a halt.

Life Of A Logger

Life Of A Logger

An Unusual Occurrence

This logger team was from Georgia Kraft Co., and things were flowing as usual until a saw made contact with a particular tree. There was no explanation for what they experienced at the time.

An Unusual Occurrence

An Unusual Occurrence