Useful Home Maintenance Hacks With Materials You Already Have At Your House

Published on April 4, 2021

Fill Nail Holes With Soap

If you want to cover up nail holes are don’t have any spackle, you can actually use soap. If you have white walls, you can use plain white soap bars. Take the soap bar and press it against the hole, then turn it in a rotating motion. Any soap particles left on the wall can be easily removed with a towel that’s warm and damp.

Fill Nail Holes With Soap

Fill Nail Holes With Soap

Cabinet Door Bumper For Slamming Doors

This hack might seem small but its effectiveness is huge. A slamming door can be prevented by using a small cabinet door bumper on the door jamb. These are very cheap and are the perfect solution. This can be used not just on cabinet doors but also for drawers that slam shut.

Cabinet Door Bumper For Slamming Doors

Cabinet Door Bumper For Slamming Doors