The Typical Diet Consumed During Medieval Times

Published on August 21, 2021

Pottage Stew Was A Staple

Pottage stew was a mainstay of medieval diets and would typically make an appearance at banquets as well, usually as the first course. Pottage stew was made of grains, egg yolks, bits of meat, and seasonal vegetables. These would all be boiled together for many hours until it all melded together. It was usually served with bread and ale of wine.

Pottage Stew Was A Staple

Pottage Stew Was A Staple

Spices Were For the Wealthy

Back then, usage of spices was reserved for the wealthy only, as it was quite difficult and costly to import spices. Some of the spices used in European medieval times included saffron, nutmeg, ginger, cinnamon, and cloves. These were brought from Asia and the Middle East, and only the very rich could usually afford these. A pound of saffron could cost as much as a horse! Salt was also a prized possession.

Spices Were For The Wealthy

Spices Were For The Wealthy