The Strongest Little Boy – All Grown Up Now

Published on November 17, 2019

From Green Pastures to Sandy Beaches

It was not long after having arrived in Pennsylvania that Pavel saw star potential in his son. Working to save for another move, the Sandraks left the small town which they migrated to and decided to go where stars and celebrities like Arnold Schwarzenegger have gone on to become a household name, Hollywood. Here, Pavel knew that Richard would have greater opportunities to be noticed by those in the industry. Pavel was right, not long after arriving in Hollywood, that Richard became an instant bodybuilding celebrity.

Hollywood Sign

Hollywood Sign

Practice Makes Perfect 

Neither of Richard’s parents knew what to expect or what to make of their son’s inexplicable skills. Proud of his abilities, Pavel continued to nourish and hone his young child’s talents. Richard’s father wanted to provide him with training, which would transfer over to other skills, such as self-defense and martial arts. From the moment Richard could walk, he had a fitness routine that was greater than most fitness enthusiasts. As a proud father, Pavel saw in his son something that was special and unique. He saw a star and success in his son and Pavel wanted to ensure he provided every opportunity to him.

Practice Makes Perfect

Practice Makes Perfect